Nepal Information Hub

World Geography Level 1

Quiz By:Admin
Public Service Commission
Section Officer 2081
25 minutes

Geo centric model of solar system was proposed by:

Correct Answer: optionB

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In which of the following Oceans/ seas, lies the Sunda Trench?

Correct Answer: optionA

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Which among the following country is known as “Land of White Elephant”?

Correct Answer: optionD

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In which country is located World’s largest trade centre of diamond?

Correct Answer: optionA

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Which among the following is NOT a correct statement about tropical rainforests?

Correct Answer: optionD

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Continent where Tundra type of climate is NOT found?

Correct Answer: optionD

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Moraines are the deposits of which among the following kinds?

Correct Answer: optionB

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Which among the following natural satellites of our solar system is smaller than Moon?

Correct Answer: optionD

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Which among the following soil is rich in minerals?

Correct Answer: optionA

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Which line marks the boundary of the zone where the Sun never sets during June solstice and never rises during December Solstice?

Correct Answer: optionB

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Which of the following is tropical grassland?

Correct Answer: optionB

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The study of human geography includes study of

Correct Answer: optionD

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The iron and steel industries of which of the following countries are almost fully dependent on imported raw materials?

Correct Answer: optionB

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The temperature increases rapidly after

Correct Answer: optionA

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The humidity of the air depends upon

Correct Answer: optionD

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The groundwater can become confined between two impermeable layers. This type of enclosed water is called:

Correct Answer: optionA

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The largest glaciers are

Correct Answer: optionC

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The ionosphere includes

Correct Answer: optionC

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The highest degree of concentration of mineral deposits are found in

Correct Answer: optionA

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The group of minerals chemically containing hydrocarbons is

Correct Answer: optionB

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The iron ore mined at Bailadila is mostly

Correct Answer: optionA

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The leading state in producing paper is

Correct Answer: optionB

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The largest dune files are found in

Correct Answer: optionC

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The largest gold producing country in the world(in 2006) is

Correct Answer: optionC

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The hydrological cycle is a conceptual model that describes

Correct Answer: optionC

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